Slight Website Tip

Many people don’t know this, but if you click on the three small lines on the top right of this blog, it’ll open up a menu for you to browse 🙂

Doing so, will open up multiple tabs, including the “Stat-Weights” Page, where there’s an entire compilation of all of the Jobs Stat-Weights I’ve currently done in FFXIV.

Short link is:

Patch 3.4 Stat-Weights

Slight Website Tip

How accuracy works Part 1.

Accuracy is one of the many unknowns in FFXIV that I’ve not begun to investigate, until very recently, when a player known as Judge_Xero on the Dragoon forums posted his data:

His proposal, was that there’s a 5.5% accuracy difference between Front -> Flank, then a further 6% difference between Flank -> Rear, giving you a difference of 104 accuracy between Front -> Rear. In theory, just discovering the bare minimum caster Accuracy would be more than enough to figure out the remaining two accuracy requirements, Front and Flank.

So, I contacted Judge_Xero and we decided to repeat his test, but this time with a lot more data-points.

First, we needed to find the Flank -> Front -> Rear Accuracy% differences. To do this, we got a level 50 character with 341 accuracy, attacked a level 60 dummy and recorded our swings/misses/hits.

From what you can see here, there’s a straight 5% difference between Front/Flank, and for arguments sake, a 5% difference between Flank/Rear (Despite there being a 5.2% difference. More on this later)

To scale this up to level 60, we need to find out the Front/Flank accuracy requirements on a level 60 dummy, with a level 60 character.

So, at base accuracy on a level 60 character, you have 95% accuracy.

Next thing we needed to check, was the bare minimum needed to achieve 100% accuracy @ level 60 on a level 60 dummy on the front.

With 407 Accuracy, we had 1 miss…

Going up to 408, 0 misses.

408 – 354 = 54

So, there’s a 54 accuracy difference between Flank and Front.

54/5 = 10.8 = 1% of Accuracy.

Therefore, if there’s a 5% difference between Flank – Rear,

354 – 54 = 300 Accuracy for Rear.

54 * 2 = 108

Therefore, there’s a 108 Accuracy Difference between Front -> Rear.

As for the final confirmation; multiple players, like myself have had 0 misses on A8S at 699 Accuracy thus far. We would of encountered a miss at least once by now if 699 was not the front accuracy, due to the amount of times we need to hit the front.

A Black Mage, has been spotted with 591 accuracy, 0 misses and confirmed A8S clear (Midan Staff in weapon slot)


699 – 591 = 108, the exact proposed number that myself and Judge_Xero ended up on.

This also means that the true A4S Accuracy Requirement was either 339 – 467 or 338 – 466.

Going forwards, as long as the Casters continuously lower the accuracy to find the bare minimum, the community will only ever need to +108 to that value to get the Front, or +54 to get the Flank.

Credits go to Judge_Xero for his original test and helping out immensely with Data Collection, and Sunny Hirose for bringing up Confidence Intervals up, yet again.

Part 2, will be discussing how Accuracy scales per point in each encounter and figuring out whether or not there’s a “base” accuracy; a bare minimum Hit% and the per point of accuracy is the difference between the Accuracy Requirement and Base Accuracy, or whether Accuracy just scales Linearly.


How accuracy works Part 1.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all had a good Holiday and an eventual, fantastic New Years! Anyway, enough of the Cheery stuff, we’re all about the numbas!

Here’s a list of things I’ll be working on going into 2016, which will be of big help into the on-going investigation of a proper Determination, Main Stat, and Weapon Damage Calculation.


  1. Dark Knight, Machinist and Black Mage Stat-Weights. Yes, yes, I’ve been pestered on about this for yonks, but I will slowly get them done, over time.
  2. White Mage, Scholar and Astrologian output calculation. A while ago, someone sent me a document of White Mage healing outputs. For some reason, the data he sent me did not work at all with my Model of wd/a+1 * str/b * det/c+1, which completely baffled me. Now, I have access to an account which has all 3 healers levelled to 60, so I will be doing a lot of data collection on them to figure out what’s going on with healing output.
  3. Levelling stat coefficients. As many of you may or may not know, the Level of your character plays a very important role in the calculation of stats, such as Skill/Spell Speed, Parry, Critical Hit. I’m now levelling an alt. So, what I’ve decided to do, is to redo all of my testing on my alt. I will be collecting 100s of data points every 5 levels from 30 all the way up to 55. From 55, I’ll be collecting data per level. In the end, I shall have a collection of data for 11 levels. This, should hopefully be enough data for me to see how each Stat in FFXIV scales per level and as a result, will allow me to create an even more accurate Damage Foruma Expression, than what I currently have.
  4. More of the Youtubes. I do have a Youtube channel, mainly aimed at Dragoon related content. However, in January, I’ll be trying to move away from this format and going back to how I started, making “General” video guys for the average Joe, whilst still making Dragoon related content AND making Podcast type content, similar to my Alexander Sucks video, or of the style TotalBiscuit has adopted and share my thoughts of the current state of the game. I may also make more mathematical videos about FFXIV, but I don’t know if there will be an interest for such content.
  5. Camelot Unchained is an MMO which I’ve backed and have been testing during its Alpha. It’s an MMO which I’ve been looking forward to, as it’s technically the “Spiritual Successor” to Dark Age of Camelot, one of the best PvP/RvR MMOs which ever existed. Once the NDA breaks, I will also start doing Coverage of Camelot Unchained as I will also be playing this MMO, along side FFXIV. I love PvE and I love PvP. Sadly, no MMO in the market has both, a strong PvE and PvP end-game, so might as well play 2 different games.
  6. As for that Theorycrafting Website I wanted to create a while back… I still have ideas on how I want to go about it. But, in the current state of FFXIV, I do not feel like investing resources into such a website. However! If 3.2 does turn out to be very, very good and pull players back into the game, I will start working on the site once more and eventually release it.

Anyway, thank you for reading guys. I’ll see you all next year in 2016!

Merry Christmas!

Paladin + Warrior Weights

I’ve taken too long to publish these. Still working, very slowly, on Dark Knight ones. I’ve honestly just not had enough time to sit down and finish it…  The following weights were derived using a Dragoons Damage Formula, so these aren’t the most accurate weights. I still need to do a lot of Data Collection to get them accurate. Anyway, here they are for Warrior + Paladin in both Stances:


  • STR: 1.000
  • WD: 9.607
  • DET: 0.132
  • CRT: 0.152
  • Sw/Oath SS: 0.091
  • Sh/Oath SS: 0.104

Warrior w/ Deliverance  

  • STR: 1.000
  • WD: 9.874
  • DET: 0.133
  • CRT: 0.158
  • SS (Once at 480+ for 9 GCD Berserk): 0.125

Warrior w/ Defiance

  • STR: 1.000
  • WD: 9.874
  • DET: 0.133
  • CRT: 0.151
  • SS (Once at 480+ for 9 GCD Berserk): 0.122
Paladin + Warrior Weights

Tank weight updates

Just wanted to give a quick update on the status of the “Tank DPS “weights.

I do in fact have a working Paladin and Warrior model to calculate the weights for these two jobs. This does in fact mean I do have their weights, but not entirely. I’m still, however, in the process of creating one for the Dark Knight and has I have absolutely no clue about the Dark Knight and learning it from scratch essentially, it’s taking me a while. I’ve also been backtracked on other things in real life.

Anyway, as to why I don’t have Paladin and Warrior weights entirely is this; I don’t have a working Damage Formula which accurately represents the scaling of Strength for these jobs. I’m temporarily using the Model for the Dragoon, which, will give varying inconsistencies in the ratio between Determination and Critical Hit Rating, versus Strength.

Remember, stat-weights are not a direct measurement of DPS, but rather, calculated in proportion to an increase of DPS per point of Strength. So if there’s a difference in Strength Scaling per Job, whilst Determination remains the same per Job, then the ratio and the weights will be different.

Once I’ve gotten a Dark Knight model, I’ll have a think about whether or not to release them with a disclaimer that they’re not 100% accurate. Besides, the Scaling of Strength on the three Tanks will be altered in 3.2… So plenty time for me to level them up, if I can be bothered that is.

Tank weight updates

EU Data Center + EU Ninja Mudra fixed

Long story short, Mudras are silky smooth for EU Ninjas.

Decided to do some investigating. Unless I’ve been “fat fingering”, animation delays for GCDs are approximately 0.634s.

The 2nd Mudra came exactly 0.5s later, literally 0 Delay

If the CD of Mudras are 0.5s, then the Ration would of came at 1.635s, instead, it came at 1.702s, a whole 0.067s later. This could of been either me “Fat fingering” or there’s an additional delay between using a Mudra and a Ninjitsu

Continue reading “EU Data Center + EU Ninja Mudra fixed”

EU Data Center + EU Ninja Mudra fixed

A request from the Community

I’m only speaking Hypothetically, *wink* *wink*, but what would you players of FFXIV expect from a community dedicated towards Theorycrafting? And I don’t just mean Mechanical Theorycrafting, such as Stat-Weights, Data Collection and the Damage Formula – I’m talking about a platform created specifically for indepth and intellectual Theorycrafting discussions about every single job in the game.

If you’re an experienced MMO player, especially in the Hardcore Raiding scene, let me know your thoughts and experiences from previous MMO communities as well as other forums you may of been on. A few that comes to mind, a sites such as ElitistJerks, Icy Veins, MMO Champion.

I want you to tell me any ideas you have, no matter how silly or basic they are. Dedicated threads for Jobs, special weekly discussions, more simulation work, whatever it is. Post it.

A request from the Community